Production companies usually propose to clients ways of delivering what is demanded from
them. Stratcoms however, provides services at an earlier stage of planning and helps clients search for the most effective ways to communicate key messages. Such an approach brings effective results at lower costs.
Stratcoms’ services provided in this area cover event management, internet surveys, internet portal design, brochures, leaflets, newsletters and invitation design. In all our activities we seek to produce materials and events which the participants do not forget after the curtain comes down. Stratcoms provides clients with top-class services especially, including innovative hi-tech services.
Stratcoms puts emphasis on the most important element of production management, which is building an interactive relationship between a client and its key audience. In our understanding, public relations is built on a dialogue with target audiences and the communications tools applied should respect this.
Stratcoms’ services in the area of PR support:
- Brochures
- Newsletters
- Mass Mailing
- Information Materials
- Leaflets
- Invitations
- Event Management